

TurboToast 便捷生活


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  • *A Turbo charger is the Qualcomm QuickCharge rebranded by Motorola as "Motorola Turbo Charger".In Motorola Stock ROM, every time the Turbo charger is connected and recognized as Turbo the user see a Toast message (TurboPower connected) informing of the connection of the Turbo charger.In Custom ROM this featuring doesn't exist, the function of this app is to simulate that on any ROM any device that have Qualcomm QuickCharge support.The app have two toast, they come enable by default, and can be disable.* Display a toast message "Turbo Charger Connected" if Motorola Turbo Charger is connected and recognized by the system as the Turbo charger* Display a toast message "Charge xx%" with the current battery percentage value when the charger is unpluggedHow it works:Android allows apps to received system actions, this app will ask android to be called every time the a charger is connected or disconnected.When the a charger action is received the app will run in background for about 10 seconds and...* If is a connection and the charger is recognized as "Turbo" a Toast message "Turbo Charger Connected" will be display* If is a disconnection a Toast message "Charge xx%" will be display this doesn't depends if the charger is turbo or not it will be display every time when a disconnection is received.* The app work depends of files that are on the ROOT of the device the app only read the files there is no modifications, but for that read be successful is need ROOT access so the app comes with root enable by default, the user can if wanna turn Root option off, but the app toast may not work properly. In the app start it will tell you if Root is working and warn about the need if you disable.If yours device has Qualcomm QuickCharge support and you try the app with ROOT access and received not toast, contact the developer about it, if the device as support for the charger it probably can have support of this app.

    来自应用汇: TurboToast http://www.appchina.com/app/com.bhb27.turbotoast?from=spi-desc



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