## OverviewThis project is develop to help the community learn java on android.You can build and run Java file with JDK 1.7. Build apk file (only support armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64)## Todo1. Java compiler JDK 1.7 ✔2. Java editor ✔3. Java auto complete code ✔ (But not working perfect)4. Java debugger (jdb).5. Run java file, class file ✔6. Build java library ✔7. Support VCS8. Decompile class, jar9. Java code formatter (Google Java code formatter) ✔10. Build Android app. ✔11. XML auto complete12. Layout builder for Android## What does tools the project include?1. Javac - Java compiler2. Aapt - Android asset package tool3. Dx - Dex for dalvik vm4. Zip Signer5. Apk builder## ContributeI would absolutely love every possible kind of contributions. If youhave a questions, ideas, need help or want to propose a change just openan issue. Pull request are greatly appreciated.## Tutorials1. Setup system https://youtu.be/FZtSbgq8ZN0This app is free for everyone to learn Java. I work for the community. If you want to donate to the project, you can click donate button in the application.
来自应用汇: Java N-IDE - Java Compiler for Android http://www.appchina.com/app/com.duy.compiler.javanide?from=spi-desc
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